Mr. Dang has crazy triceps. Emily was going goo-goo all over them HAHAHA. (And so was Jeremy, but that's pretty o____o.)
RELAY FOR LIFE today! I was supposed to get there at like six, but I pressed the snooze button like 907534985 times, so I ended up going at like EIGHT. Didn't start till nine anyways, so :D.
I walked six miles. (: Aren't you proud of me? Now my feet hurt. -_- And OH I have like four tans on my feet. -____-
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:27 PM):okay OMGOSH.
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:29 PM):MY FOOT.
"tiffliu!" (11:33:32 PM):o_o
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:33 PM):IS LIKE A SEDIMENTARY ROCK.
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:58 PM):there's the flip-flop tan.
"tiffliu!" (11:33:59 PM):ROFLLLLL
P3guin4lic3 (11:34:04 PM):then there's the jeans tan.
P3guin4lic3 (11:34:09 PM):then there's the ankle tan.
P3guin4lic3 (11:34:14 PM):then the flat tan.
There you go. (:
SO SO SO at Relay, we learned that Jeremy likes to touch guys a lot a lot a lot. -____- COUGHANDREWCOUGH COUGHRAYMONDCOUGH He's always all up over Andrew HAHA. And then when Andrew leaves, it's Raymond's turn. -_- And it's so sad cause Raymond's so docile and doesn't care at all, but Andrew's just like...'oh baby ;)'. Oh yeah and he tried Chris too, but Chris is more like 'stay away; I have my older ladies.'
Oh yeah. Chris and his older ladies. Except this time they get pretty intimate COUGHCOUGH and touchytouchy, yes? (; Cougars make me sick.
And oh man. We learned that Raymond is a real hottie. And we've got pictures to prove it. (; If he wasn't so shy, he would have girls hanging off of each arm, each leg, and have them all up over them (instead of Jeremy).
And OH. Jeremy + me + Emily's soap opera is developing episode two! If you want a recap of episode one, you'll have to go ask Jeremy. x) He's creator of the series. I'm director; Emily's producer. :D This is going to be the new Gossip Girl! And it's rated like X or something HAHA. Pretty bad stuff go on. (; Pretty gory stuff too. o__o (Like you know, childbirth?)
I made this and you have no idea how in love I am with it right now. Thank you thank you Michelle - I saw this on your blog, and I HAD to make one. Oh and on the bottom of my page? The last four are ones I found myself. Not bad, hmm?
Music and photography. Why are they so damn beautiful.
Mr. Dang has crazy triceps. Emily was going goo-goo all over them HAHAHA. (And so was Jeremy, but that's pretty o____o.)
RELAY FOR LIFE today! I was supposed to get there at like six, but I pressed the snooze button like 907534985 times, so I ended up going at like EIGHT. Didn't start till nine anyways, so :D.
I walked six miles. (: Aren't you proud of me? Now my feet hurt. -_- And OH I have like four tans on my feet. -____-
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:27 PM):okay OMGOSH.
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:29 PM):MY FOOT.
"tiffliu!" (11:33:32 PM):o_o
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:33 PM):IS LIKE A SEDIMENTARY ROCK.
P3guin4lic3 (11:33:58 PM):there's the flip-flop tan.
"tiffliu!" (11:33:59 PM):ROFLLLLL
P3guin4lic3 (11:34:04 PM):then there's the jeans tan.
P3guin4lic3 (11:34:09 PM):then there's the ankle tan.
P3guin4lic3 (11:34:14 PM):then the flat tan.
There you go. (:
SO SO SO at Relay, we learned that Jeremy likes to touch guys a lot a lot a lot. -____- COUGHANDREWCOUGH COUGHRAYMONDCOUGH He's always all up over Andrew HAHA. And then when Andrew leaves, it's Raymond's turn. -_- And it's so sad cause Raymond's so docile and doesn't care at all, but Andrew's just like...'oh baby ;)'. Oh yeah and he tried Chris too, but Chris is more like 'stay away; I have my older ladies.'
Oh yeah. Chris and his older ladies. Except this time they get pretty intimate COUGHCOUGH and touchytouchy, yes? (; Cougars make me sick.
And oh man. We learned that Raymond is a real hottie. And we've got pictures to prove it. (; If he wasn't so shy, he would have girls hanging off of each arm, each leg, and have them all up over them (instead of Jeremy).
And OH. Jeremy + me + Emily's soap opera is developing episode two! If you want a recap of episode one, you'll have to go ask Jeremy. x) He's creator of the series. I'm director; Emily's producer. :D This is going to be the new Gossip Girl! And it's rated like X or something HAHA. Pretty bad stuff go on. (; Pretty gory stuff too. o__o (Like you know, childbirth?)
I made this and you have no idea how in love I am with it right now. Thank you thank you Michelle - I saw this on your blog, and I HAD to make one. Oh and on the bottom of my page? The last four are ones I found myself. Not bad, hmm?
Music and photography. Why are they so damn beautiful.
Impress me. Sing along to Bon Jovi and Muse with me. Watch Lion King until your eyes hurt. Laugh at all my jokes. Buy me striped clothing on my birthday! Learn to love my Mickey. (: Memorize my phone number, and memorize it RIGHT. Buy me CD albums for my birthday/Christmas/anything! Never tell me you want to watch me swim. Get me Vitamin Water when I'm stressed. (: Tell me your life story. I'll tell you mine.