which color?


"Over the hill?! You mean, I'm going downhill now?!"

Today was my mommy's birthday. (: My dad, Tina and I went to Party City and Ralph's and Marshall's and Honey Bakery to buy all her stuff. Balloons, decorations, flowers, a purse and a wallet, and a cake. Then my dad took my mom out to the movies while Tina and I decorated the house. Haha they moviehopped four times. XD Way to gooo. See my wonderful influences? :D

So later we're all gonna go play video games! Mario Party 4. (: And we have the perfect amount of people, so it's gonna be fun fun funn. (:

I have a question for Michelle Chang. For all the layouts that you use, do they automatically have comments in the html? Or did you put it in? And if you put it in, can you tell me how to enable them? Thanks. (: Cause I found all the pretty layouts, and I scroll down, and there's no comments. -__- Which sucks. Cause I love comments. (:

Sleepover at Archie's tomorrow! :D Excited excited excitedddd. (: I bet you Archie's gonna be the first one to fall asleep. Then Angel. Then me. (: HAHA I'm gonna stay up the longest. I bet you I will. >:D

I miss ASB. I miss it so much. ): I hear Josh talking about what they did and where they went and who said what, and it makes me so saddd. D: Cause I want to be the one watching what they did and hearing what they said and going where they go. The whole year I spent in ASB, I didn't even notice how close we got. I just concentrated on getting my class to go to activities, and planning food sales, and stressing out over social. And for me, free fifth periods felt normal. Cutting everyone in front of the Student Store and just opening the door was a regular routine. Running for the copy machine every Monday to run off agendas was something I did sub-consciously. And now, I probably won't be able to do all that again. It's gonna feel so weird walking to the way way waaaay back of the line in front of the Student Store. And actually sitting down in a classroom during fifth period? And learning?! That's going to have to take some getting used to.

Well, I guess I'll run in my sophomore year again. I doubt I'll make it though. =/ And I'll miss all the seniors in ASB THIS year. They're all going to be gone. D: And I love them! I really do. <3>

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2 lovenotes.
"You're making the house smell white. AND like curry. "

Chris and Archie came todaaay! :D We mostly stayed downstairs and played video games. -__- What no lifers. Rock Band and then DDR and then Kingdom Hearts and then Super Smash and then Mario Party. It was mostly Chris and Michaela and Tina playing, though. Archie and I stayed upstairs and talked. (: Chris came up later. And we turned on the music and taaalked. (: Pretty fun. Lots of bonding. <3

Pretty short, too. We all had to leave at six cause Chris, me, and Michaela had swim. So we dropped Archie off at Regional too. And Derek was back to teach as at swim again! :D So much better than Andrew. So we asked Derek random questions about the girls he hooked up with at his bachelor party. And how hot he thought he was. He said he thought he was ugly. -__- Loooow self-esteem.

I started watching "Secret Life of an American Teenager". (: It's not THAT good, though. Kinda seems like it's a random spin-off from Gossip Girl. (Btw new Gossip Girl episode September 1! Who wants to come over? :D) But then again, I'm only on episode 3. Maybe things are gonna get better? (:

And btw. Five comments?! I've never gotten that many. Not even my FIRST post. I love you guys. <3>

And earthquake this morning. It was prettty biggg. D: And the news reporters say that this one's only a small tremor, compared to the big one coming up. D: I'm scared, guys. I keep thinking of what happened in SiChuan and I'm like freaking outtt. Cause when it happened there, I felt sorry for the people and all, but I don't know what I'd do if it actually did happen to me. And everyone else I know. And love. D:

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6 lovenotes.
"Teddies don't hug back, but sometimes, they're all you've got."

Dang I just freaking fell in love with Pon and Zi. They're seriously the cutest things in the worlddd. D: And it's so sad too. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside when I look at them.

So tomorrow's the end of another weekend. D: Dang. That means more SAT vocab classes and swim and more swim means more chlorine and more chlorine means excessive use of conditioner and lotion. I swear, swimming's gonna kill my hair AND my skin one day. >:O

But Tuesday is something to look forward to. (If only I had POTC 3. Yeah. I know. I don't have all the Pirates movies? Nope. My mommy said that it was too expensive. D: Anybody have the DVD? (: I'd like to borrow pretty pleasee.) I've had the words 'Chris and Archie' scribbled all over my calendar for the past few weeks and it keeps moving back and back. -__- But not now! :D

And FRIDAY. Whoopdeedoodah Friday! Archie and Angel and me are gonna go get our 'Breaking Dawn's together! :D And then sleepover at Archie's house! And then swimming at CPE. :D Hooray for Fridaaaay. (:

So I was at Target yesterday and I was looking through the poster bin AND GUESS WHAT I FOUND. YES. A JOHNNY DEPP POSTER. AND HIS SHIRT HALF OPEN TOO! :D But apparently my mom said he was showing too much skin so we ended buying this puppy poster for Tina.

I'm in the updating-iPod mood. (: Victoria's been saying Relient K's really good. So I'm gonna get some of theirs. I already got 'Who I Am Hates Who I've Been' and 'Must Have Done Something Right'. And I also got that song on Michele's blog. And on Michelle's blog. (: I loooove those songs. I swear I've commented a million times just to tell you guys I love them. And I got 'If It Kills Me' by Jason Mraz and 'Pictures of You' by Last Goodnight. Any more suggestions? (:

I get frustrated when I want to comment on someone's post and there's no comment button. D: Most of the time it's just Izzy's, though. Haha and sorry Ralph. The layout's pretty but there's no comments. XD I'll change it tomorrow.

I'm getting bored of my layouttt. I like it, but I saw all these other pretty ones out there, and I really want to use them. D: But there's no comments. ): And I hate editing. -__-

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6 lovenotes.
You don't know me; you don't even care.

Andrew FAAANG got a blog! Go check it out. (: Under the friends section. I wanna designnn. May I? (:

There's still some private ones out there I want to read. Paley, Julian, Ellie? May I read please? (:

Right now, I feel like I'm gonna droppp. I'm so freaking tired. Haha I think it's cause I fell asleep on the balcony last night. And it was pretty cold. So maybe that's why I'm tired. Did that even make sense?

And swimming today was pretty bad. I actually miss Derek. Andrew's such a BLEHH coach. Always making us use those stupid kickboards. >:O But I saw Chris today for like five seconds. (: And I talked with Michaela and adorable little TUBBIE. <3

I wanna meeeet up with people! ): I haven't seen anyone in threee weeks. Well. Sorta. What I mean is we haven't planned anything for a loong time. And I'm really missing you guys. Beach or mall or TC? (:

My summer's turning into a boooore.
Call me! (:

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2 lovenotes.
Surveyy. (:

I personally think Isabel's a genius. Surveys in a blog post? :O Why didn't anyone else think of that?

Top 8 speeeed dials. (:
It was originally Top Friends for Myspace, but what's the fun in that? (:

1 - catherine

2 - josh

3 – archie

4 - chris

5 - isabel

6 - angel

7 - ralph

8 - charles

1. Have you ever danced with number 1?
HAHA yesss!

2. Where did you meet number 6?
i’m not sure. Somewhere all the way backkk in elementary school. (:

3. have you ever kissed number 5?
noooope. (: do you want me to?

4. Have you ever been to number 2's house?
a lottt.

5. Have you ever hung out with all of your TOP EIGHT at the same time?
nope. Just not with two.

6. Have you ever gone shopping with 8?
HAHA yes. Never ever doing that againnn. D:

7. Have you ever seen number 7 in a bathing suit?
yes I did. Bathing suit as in swim trunks?

8. Have you met number 4's family?
sorta. His sister is fun. (:

9. Do you know number 5's middle name?
Katrina! (:

10. Have you ever eaten anything in front of 8?
yeah. I think so. I think he was trying to be anorexic or something, cause he refused to eat anything. -__-

11. Do you trust number 3?
of course. <3

12. Have you and number 8 ever got into a fight?

13. Have you ever fought with number 4?
ahh yeah. But about little things. We always make up though. <3

14. Whens the last time you talked to 1 in person?
last day of schooool. ): I did talk to her on the phone though. A thousand miles away.

15. Is any of your top 8 family?
nooo. Not biologically, at least. (:

16. How long have been knowing number 3?
since seventh gradee. (:

18. Have you ever slept in the same bed with 1?
HAHA YES. She kept me awake the whole night. -__- talking about boys.

19. Do you think 1 and 4 would make a good couple?
uhh. I don’t personally think so. And plus. They would kill me if I said yes. -__-

20. Would 1 do anything for you?
I think so. Cause I know it’s the other way around. (:

21. Has 4 ever helped you?
mmhmm. Through all my problems. (:

22. Have you ever slept in the same room with number 3?
naw. Maybe on august 1! (:

23. Out of your top 8 which one would you say you talk to the most?
I’d say Catherine or Josh. Or maybe Chris.

24. Who have you known shortest?
I think Charles. Or maybe Ralph. I don’t know. D:

27. What do you find funny about number 5?
how she’s loves every kind of music.

28. When was the last time you saw number 5?
On the 19th. At Josh’s house. I miss youuu. ):

29. Who is the youngest?
gahh I don’t know birthdays. I think it’d be Catherine.

30. Who was the last person to hit you?
HIT me? Uh. I’d say Charles, cause he hits me the most. Or Victoria, since I saw her last.

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1 lovenotes.
AAH I have to make this short.

I gotta hurrrrry up. It's gonna be July 22 in ten minutes. D:

I made a Facebook! (: It's more organized than MySpace. Which is good, cause MySpace is so all over the place and heeectic.

So now I have a blog, a MySpace, a Photobucket account, and a Facebook. What else is there to make? I want more stuff to do during the summmer.

Okay. I'm done here. Told you I'd make it short. (:

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1 lovenotes.
"But I'm cold, and you're fat!"

So yesterday I went on this tour through L.A. on the Metro with Victoria. (: It was pretty fun, but we walked around waaaay too much. We went to four stops. First was downtown L.A. It's so dirtyyy there, and the places are so run-down. D: Forty-five minutes there. Then we went to Hollywooood. (: This one pirate woman came up to me and offered to take a picture with me, so I was like 'Uh. Okay.' Then Victoria took two pictures for me, and the woman was like 'TIPS. I accept TIPS. TIPS.' So Victoria's dad gave her five dollars. O___O

Next stop was Union Station. Small little place with stalls selling cheap goods everywhere. (: It was pretty nice. Last place was Chinatownnn. Elizabeth dumped me on this ride that was waaay too small for me, and kept going around and arounddd. And she took a video of it too. -__- And we ate dinner at Chinatown too. (: It was actually really, really good. Well, as good as Chinese food can get.

By that time, it was like ten o'clock, so Victoria's mom was like 'Why don't you save your mom the hassle of picking you up and just stay for a sleepover?' Kinda shocking. Neither of us expected it. And MY mom actually said yes too. O___O So we had a sleepover.

Victoria had some kind of a recital the next day, so her mom made us sleep at 12:30. But when we got into bed (I took her bed and she took the floor HAHAHA) we couldn't fall asleep. So we kept talking in the dark. Pretty good bonding moments. (: Four hours whispering about family problems and boys and friends and all the changes we're going through. I felt so much better after talking about everything. So thank you Victoria. I love you so much. <3>

The metro stationnn. (:This picture cost $5. I might as well put it up.

The 50 cent ride that was probably the most embarassing moment of my lifeee. -__-

Chinatown. Right outside that umbrella shop. (:

Victoria's creaky creaky bed. (:

And I saw Chris at the Metro on our way back. I had to shout at him for him to look, though.

Oh and also. Today I was determined to make some kind of an account on Flickr or Dropshots or Photobucket. You can only upload like fifty pictures a month for Flickr, and there's only 500 pictures available for Dropshots. And somebody was using my email on Photobucket. Which kinda scared me, but oh well. I just used my AOL. (:

And now I feel so proudddd of myself. (: But I feel like that often.

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0 lovenotes.
"As long as you have a nipple, you can milk ANYTHING!"

Today was Coach Mark's birthdayyy. (: So we took a break from the usual swimming laps and just ate pizza and cake and chilled. Everyone was hanging out near the pool, but I didn't want to fall in, so I dragged people with me outside. Chris, Elliot, Ariel, Daniel, Tiffany, and Tina. (:

I don't know how it happens, but whenever I'm near somewhere with a cake, the frosting ends up in my face. -__- This time, I had three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and coffee. As opposed to that other cake fight. There was only vanilla. But I only got it on my face this time. :D Not in my hair or down my shirt. Daniel did explode a Pepsi in my face, though. -__- And he's, what, seven years old? -__-

Then we started Truth-or-Dare. Of course, it only lasted three turns. That game never lasts long. I got tackled and rolled down the hill and tickle-tortured. D: And the grass made my skin freaking itchyy. We sat in a circle and told jokes when we got tired. (: And talked about 'Date Movie'. Haha I want to watch it now. Who wants to watch with me? (: Ariel's gonna grow up to be a stand-up comedian. I swear.

Altogether, a fun fun funnn day. (: I could say 'let's do it again!', but it's only a once-in-a-year thing. (Unless we have another party for Coach Derek's birthday.) And when it happens next year, some people will be gone and some new people will come in. And this might not even happen next year. Who knows? ):

Aaahhh I think too much. Mostly of the future. That's why I don't get most stuff done. -__- But tomorrow I'm going to go on this trip with Victoria. On the Metro Station or something. So I gotta go charge my cellphone, my iPod, and my camera. It'll be funnn. (: And I hope I don't lose my camera again. -__-

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1 lovenotes.
What day is it? And in what month?

I feel like whistling. (: Teehee. I like the moment I'm in right now. I'm listening to 'You and Me', I smell the barbeque beef my mom's cooking, I'm enjoying the fact that for once my homework for today is done, I'm done with my album-cover-hunting, and I just feel happy. Like really really happy. Not the kind of happy I force myself into to forget things. (: Just happy.

^ That was three hours ago. -__- My happy moments sure are short-lived. I guess if there's a really good up, then there's a really bad down. I'm all grumpy and moody right now. Haha my poor mom and sister. They're getting the full blast of it. (:

Tomorrow's last day of collegeee! :D It's FINALLY gonna be all over. (: I hated it. -__-

I wanna go to Whitney again. If I could have my way, I'd also go there everyday. I probably could persuade my mom too, but then I'd feel so selfishh. So I won't. My max is two times a week. I went Wednesday already, and Friday's too close. And my dad gets all mad cause he sees no reason for me going there. He's one to talk. As if he has reason for every freaking thing he does. I should shut up now; I don't want to turn this into some ranting post.

I'm looking at this photography magazine right now. (: It's kinda peaceful. So much beautiful scenery. I wanna go to one of those places for my honeymoooon. Heck, I wanna go to all of them. My poor husband. (:

I really really really want the Yellowcard album. D: But my mom would kill me if I got it. Haha she gave me a lecture today about how people who listen to metal/screamo/rock in general have no class. HAHA I LAUGHEDDD AT THAT. And got another lecture. -__- So the next time I go to Best Buy, I guess I'll buy Viva la Vida instead. That should be smarter.

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3 lovenotes.
Breaking the monotony.

Summer is such a bore. D: College is the worst thing you could do over the summer. It's the worst thing to do EVER. I wish I went to summer school instead. -__-

But Josh came over today! (: He's like a Rock Band maniac, I swear. Three out of the four hours, he's banging away on the drums. Then he took a half hour break to eat pizza. Then he played Rock Band again. Then we played Monopoly! :D But only for fifteen minutes, cause his mom had to come get him. -__-

I just read the whole Twilight series over agaaain! (: Although I skipped a few of the Edward/Bella moments. Blechh. I love Jacob so much more. <3>Breaking Dawn. And they're gonna have an Edward/Jacob debate. :D I really wanna see who's gonna win. Although we all know who it's gonna be. ;)

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1 lovenotes.
Weekends. <3

I looove weekends. (: No SAT classes, and no swimming. Free to do what I want. (:

Went to the mooovies today. (: With Ralph and Archie and Charless. Josh came along later. (: We watched Hancock and Wall-E. They were both so cuuute! In a mature way and an immature way. In a human way and a robot way. Who said robots can't love? ;] But everytime I said something was cute, Charles said I needed help. -__- So HAHA I was about to say he needed a girlfriend. XD But I was too scared to. And Ralph told me not to. They're both really good movies, though. You guys should go watch them. (:

Tomorrow Tina and my mom are gonna go to the movies. So I have a whole day at home doing NOTHINGG. Somebody wanna let me come to their house? :D

Oh yeah. And also. ISABEL is helping me with my myspace tomorrow. (: Haha she wanted a label for her. (: Here you go, dearie. <3

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3 lovenotes.
A MySpace? -____-x

So apparently there was this deal that I totally forgot. If Ralph made a blog, I would make a MySpace. I tried to back out. (: Didn't work. ): So now I have this thing that I don't even know how to work. -___- Thanks a lot, Ralph.

But he's doing the decorating and whatnot. (: Haha so thanks. (:

Oh and btw. Yay for Josh and Ralph for finally updating. AND changing their layouts. :D Keep it uppp. (:

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2 lovenotes.
If everyone cared.

If everyone cared and nobody cried.
If everyone loved and nobody lied.
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride.
Then we'd see the day when nobody died.

Thanks to Ralph for sending me the song. (: I'm probably gonna listen to it so many times that I'm gonna get sick of it. But oh well. You guys should really listen to it. So inspirational. (:

College is so monotonous, even if Josh and I pass notes everyday. The teacher's okay, but the assignments are a mess. -__- I don't even get the essays.

So hooray for Saturday. (: A break from my normal weekday schedule. (:

I went to summer school again yesterday. I miss Chris and Archie so much. ):

I'm reading "Twilight" all over again. So when I buy the fourth, I'll have everything freshh in my mind. (:

I saw a clip from the movie! :D Ahhh I'm so excitedd for the movie. December 12! (:

Another all over the place post. (: Thanks for reading and commenting, guys. (:

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2 lovenotes.

I just felt like telling everyone what I talk about the most. (:

3 labels: Angel, Catherine, Cerritos College, Stephenie Meyer XD.

4 labels: Charles, Izzy, Josh

5 labels: Chris, Ralph

6 labels: SOCIAL. :D

I think it tells a lot about myself. But it's kinda warped, cause I didn't label much back then. Not like now. I label everythinggg. (: Haha most of the labels are people. I love you people. <3 Even though half of you don't have blogs. No, just kidding. Only two don't have blogs. Stephenie Meyer doesn't count. (: And it really didn't surprise me to see Social as the one with the most. After all, it was the thing that stressed me out the mosssttt. D:

And I went to Target to buy pens for college, and we 'accidentally' came across the albums. So I bought another one. So now I want:

"Ocean Avenue"

"The Great Escape"
Boys Like Girls

"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends"

I don't like "Them vs. You vs. Me" that much. -__- The songs are kinda repetitive. Wish I bought "Great Escape" instead. =/

And also. This little section here is for Catherine. I was talking to her on the phone for over an hour yesterday. (: She's all worrying if we'll forget her or not, or if she's drifting away, or whatever. -__- Paranoid little freak. (: Haha you know I love you. Even if I refused to say it yesterday. (: So here's my "I love you". <3

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4 lovenotes.
Albums! I want albums!

"The Great Escape"
Boys Like Girls

"Paper Walls"

"Viva la Vida or Death and all his Friends"

"Them vs. You vs. Me"
Finger Eleven

"Minutes to Midnight"
Linkin Park

"Dreaming out Loud"

"American Idiot"
Green Day

My goal this summer is to get all of those albums. And more, if I feel like it. I have three already, and hopefully, I can get the rest. If my mom lets me. And if I can, by chance, go to Best Buy four more times this summer. -__- Or you guys can just buy me one! (: You know, just to show me that you love me? :]

And thank you Sayoni for inviting me to your blog. (: Things like that just make my dayyyy. <3

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2 lovenotes.
New layout! (:

Haha I was layout-searching and I came across this one and I was like WHOA THAT LAYOUT WAS TOTALLY MADE FOR ME. See the upper right hand corner? Jaaack Sparrow. (;

And the best part is, it actually enables comments! :D That means now I can actually tell if people are reading my blog or not. (: I've been living without comments for half a year now. I think it's time for that to change. (:

So Johnny Depp AND comments? Too good to be trueee. D: I'm expecting something to go wrong any minute now.

Haha this was a totally meaningless post. XD Hope you had fun reading it. (:

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3 lovenotes.

My summer's so monotonous. -__- Everyday, it's just get up, college, swim, dinner, then bed. It's relaxing, yes, but also hella boring. But there are a few exceptions. (:

Thursday HANNAH HUANG came to Whitney! (: And we had that thing for Alice Cho, too. :] But I had to leave early, so I didn't get to spend much time with them. But enough time for me to start missing Hannah all over again. ):

Then Friday was Independence Daaaay! My white-washed Asian friends from Wyoming came over with EIGHT people. I wonder how they all fit in the car. O___O We played Rock Band with them, and Monopoly, and DDR. (: I missed them a lot, so I was pretty happy to see them. <3

PROBLEM IS. They came on the fourth of July, and it really ruined all of my plans. I was planning to go to Civics Center with everyone else, and watch the fireworks and whatever. And I even had this red-white-and-blue outfit planned out, and I even bought red-white-and-blue earrings. -__- I DID get to watch the fireworks with Josh and Ralph and Michael in the end, but it was so rushed. And the fireworks kept falling on us; we sat too close to the place they were launched. -__- Haha and some of it flew in my mouth too. Tasted kind of bitter. x__x

I'm grateful for the weekend, though. No swimming and no college for three whole days. (: And I keep thinking tomorrow is Monday, not Sunday.

And ooh. I was reading this really really really good book. It's called "The Host", by STEPHENIE MEYER. Yes, the person who wrote the Twilight saga. (: And it's just as good as "Twilight", so go read it. I read it three and a half times. And it's 619 pages long. (:

Haha and if you haven't noticed, I love putting on labels. (:

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0 lovenotes.
Summer's buuurning up. (:

The marquee thing that was at the friends list was pissing me off. Like, it kept moving and moving and I had to catch a name whenever I wanted to go somewhere. So I took it off. (:

So yesterday I went to Cerritos College again. I was paired up with this guy who was pretty stuck-up. He took my stuff and didn't ask. And almost broke it. -__- Oh well. Just two more days. (: Then Tina and I met up with Ralph after college. We went to KFC, and just talked. Well, more laughed than talked. Haha we were imagining Chris and Charles bald; they would look so much like monks. XD And Tina kept getting Mountain Dew coming out of her nose. Kinda sick. -___-

Oh yeah. And Ralph has an alter ego named Bobby. You know, like Bobby Lee? Yeah, Bobby.

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0 lovenotes.