Rejection is a hard pill to swallow when the only thing you've been working towards for six years suddenly decides to stand up and walk away.
I feel like shit and I can't even look at my civics book because why should I even bother to try when it obviously doesn't amount to shit alksdfj;aksdjf;askdfjasdkjfa;lskdjf;asjfd
Rejection is a hard pill to swallow when the only thing you've been working towards for six years suddenly decides to stand up and walk away.
I feel like shit and I can't even look at my civics book because why should I even bother to try when it obviously doesn't amount to shit alksdfj;aksdjf;askdfjasdkjfa;lskdjf;asjfd
Impress me. Sing along to Bon Jovi and Muse with me. Watch Lion King until your eyes hurt. Laugh at all my jokes. Buy me striped clothing on my birthday! Learn to love my Mickey. (: Memorize my phone number, and memorize it RIGHT. Buy me CD albums for my birthday/Christmas/anything! Never tell me you want to watch me swim. Get me Vitamin Water when I'm stressed. (: Tell me your life story. I'll tell you mine.