which color?


one hundred.

So guess whaaaat. One hundredth post. :DDD

I was planning to make breakfast this morning, but I opened the fridge and there's almost nothinggg in there. No potatoes and only THREE eggs. So I was like alksdjfas;l MOM WHEN DID YOU GO GROCERY SHOPPING?! So the only thing I could make was apple pie ahha. And it turned out pretty good! :D Or, that's what I think. Tina and my mom were like 'uhh. yeah. it's good. yeah.' Which probably meant it wasn't. -_- But I appreciate their effort! (:

So to get into a good college I need:
- a GPA of 4.o or MORE
- 300 hours of community service
- at least 10 AP classes
- president/vp of at least two clubs
- one unique experience (violin/piano/basketball do NOT count)
cuhraazeeee! -_-

And the theme of this week for my mom is COLLEGE. And not just any UC, it has to be an IVY LEAGUE. So I'm like aslkdjf;sldjk NO MOM THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. And she's like WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE ANY FAITH IN YOURSELF. Gaaah I don't want to think about college in freshman year! D: But apparently I have to. -_-


6 lovenotes.

I feel incompetent. -_-

So Tina has like a million gold medals and blue ribbons and FIVE PATCHES. All from swim. And it makes me feel pretty darn patheticccc. I can't get a single single single medal. All I have is a bronze one, and that was a relay. -_- No ribbons. And definitely no patches. Gaaah.

And her DRAWING, too! It's like wooowowowow. Killer good, cause she started as a pretty young age. And it's brought her a long way.

In other words, I'm jealous of my little sister. D: (But don't tell her.) I'm better than her academically, that's for sure, but in the long run, that's not what matters. Grades and your GPA on go so far. The rest depends on what you do OUTSIDE of school. -___-x

Yeah. I should learn something new! Start something young! (Get into a good college! -_- )

Swim today was baaaah. Mark wasn't here, so Eric subbed. Eric is mean. ): Eric makes us swim a lot. A lot a lot. I don't like Eric. D: But we had ice cream HAHA so it made it better. (:

Does WHS swim start Monday? Cause I've got people telling me it does and people saying it doesn't..? Confused. D:

4 lovenotes.
Once in a lullaby.

New layout?! :D

New post just for TiffLiu haha.

"tiffliu!" (9:36:37 PM): ive been waiting 4 hours for you to update your blog. LOLS
P3guin4lic3 (9:36:46 PM): what the. haha why?
"tiffliu!" (9:37:38 PM): i dont know, i usually read yours everyday
"tiffliu!" (9:37:39 PM): haha
"tiffliu!" (9:37:45 PM): so i check if you update it every 10 minute
"tiffliu!" (9:37:48 PM): rofllll..
"tiffliu!" (9:37:56 PM): and when you dont
"tiffliu!" (9:37:58 PM): i get sad

So here you go. Ahha no more waiting. (:

New song, too! I really like this one. (:

Threeee-day weekend + no homowork at all! The best kind of weekend! But too bad everyone's busy. ): But it's okay! Cause Izzy and I can have our Yogurtland moments ALONEEE! >:D (that sounded wrong, didn't it. -_-)

aah a 4.0! mygoodness! but people are gonna hate me. so shhh. ;)

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1 lovenotes.
A little red cover with a broken spine.

I feel like a I feel like a I feel like yeaaah. D:

Comps over?! Still doesn't feel like it. I took a nap earlier and I dreamed about DNA and chromosomes and cloning and guhh. It was pretty much a nightmare. But the images were actually pretty HAHA. Colorful chromosomes. (: But it doesn't help the fact that I totally bombed that test. Effed it up the arse. HAHA isn't that what British people say?

But english was pretty easy, and everyone finished it in like an hour, so we had technically an hour to cram for bio. But you can only cram for so long before your head hurts, so we played Mafia.
- In Mafia, you cannot kill the narrator. I'm sorry, Charles. (:
- Mafia can't kill himself, either. So Avery killed the game everytime. -_-
- Nurse always heals themselves. It's smarter that way. If not, they heal Paley. All the time.
- If Mafia is not Michelle, it's Avery.
- Don't giggle if you're Mafia. I gave it away every time. -_-
- Alice Zuo is the best Mafia storyteller. By far. Where else do you get unicorns named Avery and ponies named Paley? :D
- Narrator cannot be Mafia. That makes you an automatic winner. >:O
- You cannot have two Mafias. They will for sure kill each other. Avery and Vince almost got violent haha.
- When you tell the story, make it creative. Don't always make it about drive-by shootings and how it gave some old geezer a heart attack.

My lip gloss is pissing me off. There's like this plastic thing that keeps poking me when I put it on. So it scratches my lips and now they hurttt. ):

I WANT AN ABI ACCOUNT. Gaaah I'm so curiousss about my grade! D:

Let's play on Friday! I want to go to Ralph's/Izzy's house. (:

TIMCHAI! I still have a huge bruise on my leg. >:O And get ready for those fifteen pushups. ;D

AFTERSCHOOL was <3333. I abbasoluuuutely love my friends. (: Charles, you do have friends. I don't like people being all 'FCK MY FRIENDS I HAVE NONE.' Stop being ridiculous and get yo act back together. (: But you probably won't read this and continue moping. Fine with me. (:

Izzy! We are running out of space. So get that other notebook ready. (: And Ralph! Your house Friday? :D With the familia? (plus a few others?) Pleaseee? I've never ever been there. (:

Facebook is back on! (: So I get my two hours of distraction back. And swim is seriously such a nightmare. -_- I'm actually kinda scared for Whitney swim to start. Coach Paul. D: What a hardcore coach, man. I am not going to be able to walk after practices. -_- But we've got a pretty good bunch. Freshmen! -
- Chris
- TimChai
- Vince
- Opal
- Jaimini
- Kathy
- Bri dropped out. ): And I don't know if the Emilys and Ingrid are doing it..?

Hey look! I went on Facebook and there was drama! :DDD
-_- So immatureee.

The word 'fuck' annoys me. Pointless and so very provoking. (:

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2 lovenotes.
lame lame lame.

I can't focus/concentrate/keep my mind on one thing. And I never really post more than once in a day.
Craaap. I'm gonna effing fail tomorrow. D: Bio is some unnatural killer comp, I've heard. And with an 89, I don't feel like BS-ing is such a good idea.
And my mind likes wandering too much. D: Shutting down Facebook didn't help much. -_- But you never know. Maybe I would've been more lightheaded WITH Facebook? Eh.

I want a Tommy. ):

Hehe listening to Danity Kane. Just kidding. Song changed to Green Day. I effing love Green Day. Old, old, old band, though. But not older than Bon Jovi. :D I think. I love them both. (:

"We're halfway there. Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear." <3

I'm curious. At those vague blog posts people make. But I do that a lot too, so :D. L;AKSJFA;LKS JF SOMEBOY HELP ME FCKING CONCENTRATE.

Hehe I put comments in. (: Cause it hasn't been there a long time. Lol it looks so sad '0 people who love me.' HAHA it's gonna be so grammatically wrong when it's '1 people who love me.' But I'm probably gonna take it off later. Cause they're pretty ehhh-ish for me. Like if I see one comment I'd be like OMGOSH THIS POST WAS LAME I'M GONNA WAIT FOR MORE COMMENTS. And I'd get mad or something. So. (: I know I'm not making sense. -_-

So yesterday 'Five Minutes to Midnight' came on and it was 11:55 so I was like WHOOAAAA. :DDD I need more musiccccc. And less distractions. Like this blog.

Hehe I'm taking my restlessness out on my hair. So there's like handfuls falling out and my head hurtssss. ): And I have to keep typing or else I'll keep doing that. So djfalsdjf;asldj. AGH I NEED TO STUDY. I'm gonna go uh... Shower? I think. Would that help a lot? No not really. -_-

asl;dfj;sdjlk bye guysss. (: (I'll probably make another post like five minutes later. I'm laaame.)

3 lovenotes.
stress level just went upppp.

BIOOO tomorrow! D: I really need to get good study habits. I always start at like nineee. -_- And DUDE I almost fell asleep during geometry comp today. Which is bad. Bad bad bad. D:

Facebook is a distraction. So my Facebook looks pretty darn cool right now. (:

So physicaleducation comp today! I swear. The mile was the hardest thing ever. -_- It was like fifty degrees in the morning? And my legs were like frozennn. They weren't working properly after the run. D: But the sun, Pauline, and volleyball made me feel better. (: And I had to run to the fields after Tim was like 'my yoyo! a;sldjflsdkf my lucky yoyo! D:' -___-x

Geo comp was okay. Until the proofs. Which were basically complete BS from me. (: But the proofs are only 1/18 of my total grade. So I should be okay, I think? (:

Afterschool is always fun. <3 We have a lovely family. (:

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0 lovenotes.

0 lovenotes.
'But she looks cuter with him, so I'll hook them up.'

This Following tool is really dandy! (: I don't have to click all my links anymore. (:

Goals for the weekend of COMPS:
- cut my nails.
- paint them. in a very pretty color. (:
- make breakfast for family at least once.
- remember to download those bon jovi songs. -_-
- buy more vitamin water! D:
- remember to put my bracelet in the washer.
- talk to kaajal about coming to whitney. (: did you knoooow? she was the only one shorter than me in sixth grade. (:

They're very realistic goals, yes? :D

-__-x Yeah, I know. I just like looking at that list and going 'Wow! What a stress-free weekend!' Keeps me happy, you know? (: So here's my real list:
- study my ASSSS off for rosenberg. MAYBEMAYBEMAYBE I can raise that B- to an A? D:
- skim through japanese chapters. (: I don't have enough time to study it thoroughly. -__-
- sleep. a lot. a lot a lot a lot.
- turn off my internet while studying. and no painting nails while studying. >:O

So yeaaah. I'll see what I accomplished the next time I make a post. Which should be after comps, if I keep true to the list. (:

The Perry essay pisses me off a little, but seriously, guys? It can't be that bad. I don't think she'll give us an essay describing a process or something. Probably something on ethics or whatever. (: Don't spaaazz out about it. You'll do fine.

So I calculated my grades. And um. I just need to do decent on math comp and Japanese comp, and still get away with that A. (: English, I have to try a little. That Crucible test probably brought me down. ): Bio, I kinda need to do pretty well. -__- Sucks to have your grade drop to a B just before comps. D: And for history, I'll study six hours every day over the weekend. :DDD

Izzzzzy! Notebook is working. <3 See? Told you so. (: I'll buy the next one and we'll start a library! :D

You know how they say to listen to your heart, and not your head? I don't really think so. -_- If we all listened to our hearts, we'd be pretty chaotic. So that's why I listen to my head. (: Most of the time, it works. Sometimes, it slips. That's when things get pretty messy.

Process of elimination! (: You still have to help me through this, Izzy. -_- Catherine, too! You didn't answer my question when I was at your house. D:

I feel tired but not tired. (: Too much Costco sports drink to fall asleep. Too little sleep to stay awake. D:

OOH PERIOD BY PERIOD POST?! I've never done one. Might as well! :D

Period 2 -
hehe didn't do homework. (: But it was MC so it's okay! Answers were like ABCDDABDDAACC. ;D
This girl that sorta sits in front of me is like I'M SO SMART I GOT AN A ON EVERY TEST I BEAT YOU HAHAHA.
Mrs. Breik + smarboard = comedy.

Period 3 -
Charles is mean. ): He likes taking stuff and using it as blackmail. But I didn't need it for most of the period anyways. (:
Honorary member sat the whole time at our table. He was actually at school for once ahha.
Fell asleep during english notes. Vince was writing like maaad, and everyone else is seriously dozing or talking.

Period 4 -
The commercials were cuuuute. (:
Oh yeah.
Except for ours. -_-

Period 5 -
Didn't do homework in this class, either. :DDD
Ahha I used a hall pass to get my hall passes from my locker. (:
Slept slept sleptttt.

Period 6 -
Alice + Isaac = we better get an award. -_-
Or actually, before that, we better get Libya. Only country Isaac knows anything about.
Excited/scared/APPREHENSIVE for LosAl.

Period 7 -
AndrewFang and Chris' little bromance date. But Chris left him for Jaimini HAHA.
And Tim's yoyo was a scary thing. D:
Joan had Disney music on her ipod. (:

Isabel + Ralph + Alice = ♥
(Zosa and Joe, too! :D )

I realized that poor families are like loyal till death. But the problems come with the rich ones. Why can't we just be happy with who we choose. -_- But then again, I'm one to talk.

Is it too late for New Year's Resolutions? Cause I want to still make a few -
- Be waaay less shallow.
- Be more focused.
- Only one B, Alice. You can do this.
- Stop pissing off my mom.
- Actually follow my lists.
- Sleep early early early! Such a bad habit! D:
- Stop picking at my fingers. -_-
- More earrings! :DDD
- More Gossip Girl!
- More SLAT, too!
- Less Internet! >:O
- Work on bringing the family together. (:
- Catch more 11:11's.
- Or 12:34's.
- Be more loving.
- Be more open.

I'm pretty laaaate for resolutions. But who caares. (:

Gossip Girl was so touchinggg today. D: It's really not only a show about sluts and scandals. -_- That's what their ads look like, but it's really an emotional rollercoaster. :D HAHA CORNYYY. But it isss. You guys should go watch it. (Just don't let your younger siblings see it. Or your parents.)

Blaaaah I feel like stopping. Hi new Blogger people, welcome to the family! And old Blogger people (JOSH ANGEL) should rejoin the family. -_- It's a fun place. (:

I bet you guys are already asleep if you came all the way down here. Thanks for readinggg. <3 Now I have to go listen to my history audiobooks. (:

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0 lovenotes.
We're halfway there.

So I'm really not supposed to be posting right now, but working on that bio infomercial. Or rather, making that ad, since that's my job. But whatever. I'm promising myself I'm sleeping at eleven today, no matter what, since there really is nothing due tomorrow. Or at least, I'm pretty sure about that.

So today! I will -
- study for Rosenberg test? maybe?
- at LEAST create some rough draft for that bio ad
- study those 20 SAT vocab words
- learn how to download those fonts
- take Tylenol

Mmm I wish I had more fingernails to paint on. They're so addictinggg! Like. Super-duper fuuun. I feel like taking off the color I did yesterday and putting on another color. But that's unhealthy for my nails. ): So I'll resist the temptation. (:

I'm writing in that orange notebook right now, Izzy. (: I feel pretty bad for not writing anything in Mission. Ahha. I WAS going to, but everytime I looked at it, I kinda blanked. Sorry. ):

I'm reliving Bon Jovi! So I just listened to 'Livin' on a Prayer' about 459347 times already, and I am totally in ♥ with it. There's also 'You Give Love a Bad Name' and 'Wanted Dead or Alive'. I seriously love discovering old bands.

So. Mission Viejo Conference? Horrible. -_- Well actually. I guess the hotel stay was pretty fun, but it's just the overwhelming stress of the conference that prevented us from going all-out fun. What a killjoy. But we played Taboo! (: Even though I lost my team like five points and they got al mad. -__-

Oh btw, I totally just took Rosenberg off my friends list on Facebook. Don't know why I added him the first place. O__O Dude he was looking at the Mission pictures! D: And in class he was like 'so I see you girls took pictures at the pool, hmm?' And we're like O___O creeeeep...

MICHELLE CHANG! Can you please please please teach me how to download dafont files? D: I don't know how to work my expired Winzip ahha. Do you like have another version or something?

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0 lovenotes.
So what happens when I get cold?

Formal?! Yes, Formal.

So different, compared to the other dances. But in a way, the same thing, too.

The good things were better than I thought they would be. The place was so damn beautiful! It made you feel like a poor person seeing the world for the first time. And the people were beautiful, too. Everyone was freaking GORGEOUS. I bet this is how rich people feel all the time. -__- And I met Tiffany and Mikhaela. Really fun people. :DDD Too bad their dates were lameee. (: Justkidding, guys. <3

But the crappy stuff ended being downright...crappy. And it's like. So what did you expect? -__- There WILL be those times, and those people, and it's just not going to work, you know? And you have conflicting thoughts; you know which one you really think, but that's the wrong one. So you pretend to not to. But then you can't pretend that well to yourself, so it ends up being all wrong. And I'm not making sense. -__- Again. D:

You know, if you added the little Formal '09 thing on the bottom of this picture, it could pull off the Say Cheese -ish look. (: I mean, the shape and the positions and the lighting - it's so perfect! :DDD

Next big thing = next Saturday = Mission Viejo conference = stress again! But MVHS also = bonding time and fun with the girlies. (: We're partying in the hotel room on the 18th. That's right. (: Be jealous. And the hotel has a pool too. ;D But it's going to be shivering cold. Oh wellll. (:

And Izzy! I hope you don't mind me graffitizing the notebook. I want stripes. >:O


0 lovenotes.
A picture is worth a thousand words.

pooh bears; snackbox; that scooter named alice; seven-eleven; monster sports drink; don't get hit by a car!; tina tagging along; what if someone steals my scooter?; josh is a ditcher; SAT classes; ralphdogelio♥

family. they accept you for who you are. they'll love you even if you had antennae and three and a half legs and one eye and green skin and six toes. even if you shouted at them and got mad at them and held grudges you thought you would never let go. even if you feel like you're standing outside of everything. they'll pull you in. cause they're your family. you didn't choose them; they didn't choose you; but somehow, it all works out. ♥

why do i get the floor?; can't reach the bar!; let's find that johnny depp star; my ipod's better than yours; relient k; squeaky bed; starbucks stop; read the map for me!; seeing chris randomly lol; truth or dare; late-night talks; chinatown; IT'S FOUR AM ALREADY?!; let's try to clean off these plates; i'm a hungry pig; no soda for you!; victoriawang♥

bolsa chica '08.
do you really need words?

ASBFAMILY. retreat; hello; formal; welch; transitional retreat; banquet; homecoming; jumpsuits; sexmatic sheel!; maneater #3; manuel and jenny; awkward turtles; kiss kiss kiss kiss!; inspirational speeches; familyforever<3

A picture is worth a thousand words.
These, however, are worth a million.


0 lovenotes.
Start where we left off.

I'd say first day of school was pretty good. (: It's like we never left, really. Grades were pretty bummer, though.

John jinxed us in bio when he was like 'Ooh if we miss all our short answers, we get a 78%!' So we're like ehhh that's not a really pretty score. But then I test back and it's a 78%. And JOHN'S was 78%. And Eric, who sits behind us - 78%. And Kelsey, who sits next to Eric - 78%. It's actually pretty creepy. But we're too busy being mad at John for jinxing us that we don't really careee. (:

But I'm pretty effed for Rosenberg. I have a pretty borderline B, and there's no waaaay I can get that to an A by the end of semester. Which is pretty depressing. =/

But there's Secret Life and Gossip Girl on later today. (: I'll probably end up watching those on the internet, anyways.

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0 lovenotes.
Didn't feel a thing.

This year, when the ball dropped in Times Square, I felt nothing. My mom and Tina were like OMGOSH IT'S TWO THOUSAND AND NINEEEE! :DDDD But I was more like ehhh. Just. Didn't feel like anything happened. Same house, same people, and more or less the same TIME. And they're all getting superstitious - 'You can't have a messy room on the first day of the new year!' 'If you pig out today, you'll be fat for the rest of the year!' 'You can't play Rock Band today! You'll be playing it everyday the rest of the year then!' -___- Yeah okaay. I did all of those things anyway. (: But I am planning on cleaning up my room right now. Ahha.

Got a call from Texas regarding my warranty on my vehicle. LAST WARNING. Ooh I'm scared.

I'm typing this at 1:30 AM. An hour and a half into the new year. Oh no - I'm gonna be staying up late the rest of the year! -__- So I feel like making resolutions. But ehh. What resolutions? It's always the same, but yet they never get granted. But I'll try making some in the morning. It's getting pretty late, and my mom's getting pretty angry.

And I'm going somewhere around two. At this rate, I'll probably be waking up around one. Then shower and breakfast --> three. Sooo. Good night. (:

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4 lovenotes.